- Discussion of a suspected translation issue in this week's Collect at Commonweal
- Lecture sponsored by the K of C

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For those who are interested, here is what I was recalling regarding the problem in the old translation of EPIV - it is somewhat similar to that of the Trinity collect under discussion. This is Rev. Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University. as quoted by Felix Just, SJ:A more delicate problem arose from an English reader who asks:http://www.ewtn.com/library/liturgy/zlitur107.htmThe difficulty that I, as a mere layman, have with this Preface [of Eucharistic Prayer IV] is that it clearly and most obviously, in English, denies the divinity of Our Blessed Lord and of the Holy Spirit. It starts: "Father in heaven, it is right that we should give you thanks and glory: you alone are God, living and true." Is not this heresy? I know good priests here in England who never use this Eucharistic prayer now. It has to be said, by the way, that all this kind of thing simply causes confusion among the poor laity. Priests and, indeed, bishops should remember the laity when they consider the liturgy. We do not all have degrees in theology; mine is in English and I can, therefore, understand the meaning of words in that language.Far be it from me to accuse the liturgy of heresy. But our reader certainly has a point that we are before a less-than-adequate translation. Indeed, if I am not mistaken, this translation was corrected in the missals used in the United States and now reads "you are the one God, living and true."
Upon a lofty throne, I saw a man seated, whom a host of angels adore, singing in unison: Behold him, the name of whose empire is eternal.He thought it sounded like Revelation or Daniel. Sure, but it's not a direct quotation. I've found the phrase in Latin, too.
In excelso throno vidi sedere virum, quem adorat multitudo Angelorum psallentes in unutii ecce cujus imperii nomen est in aeternum.The phrase is attributed in online texts to Revelation1 4:2 and 5:11 and Ps. 99:1. It's also attributed in online texts to Daniel 7:9, 10, 13, 14 and Isaiah 6:1-3.