Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's amazing what you can dig up on the Internet:

Grand Duchess Elizabeth "Ella" Fyodorovna - Wiki:
Elizabeth was affectionately called Ella by her family.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth became a nun, and gave away her jewelry and sold her most luxurious possessions.

Her remains were buried in Jerusalem, in the Church of Maria Magdalene.

She was canonised by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2001
I remember walking past an Orthodox church as we descended the Mount of Olives but couldn't recall its name and certainly didn't know who might be buried inside. Nothing like being buried in the Mount of Olives ... should be everyone's aspiration.

My abiding concern is what challenge their given name brings to research efforts during their religious instruction, especially at confirmation.

A common assignment is a one-page biography of one's patron saint. And, as an elementary-grade Sunday School teacher, I know the frustration of some students whose given names don't conjure up immediate association with a universally acknowledged saint of the Church.

Our newborn is not named after this obscure Russian saint.

Jeff chose the name because he loves the movie Ella Enchanted.

But, I'm relieved that she won't come up empty on the "saint search".

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