Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Do I listen to corny music for days like today? When my kids are "twistin' & shoutin'" at their day camp's variety show?

Back-to-back shows is grueling on the parents ... and younger siblings.

Tim's was in the afternoon but Kenny stayed for dinner before his evening performance.

Tim, dressed in a white T-shirt and denim shorts, sang The Pointer Sisters' "We Are Family". He shouted his lines, as if he really believed it and he wanted to convince us!

Kenny's show had more acts.

We heard performances of "Ghostbusters", that Risky Business song, "The Monkees Theme". The biggest laugh of the night was a rendition of the Mets song: "Meet the Mets" ('62 version). I can never forgot that their day camp is "Mets country" with so many LI transplants.

And my son did "Men In Black"1. Yes, he was supposed to wear black but all I could find was navy blue. I have this "thing" about not dressing my kids in black. Nah-uh.2 Come to think of it, I don't do denim either.

Will Smith was a "featured artist" of sorts, as another number was also his. The final number was Thriller, yeah like the MTV video and nearly as long!

I'm concerned that I know more parents at my boys' summer camp than I know at their grammar school. But, then, all of the familiar campers were former students!

1 This video would scare him, actually. He doesn't like aliens, even if they dance.

2 From the Urban Dictionary, so true: a phrase one would use upon hearing something either stupid as shit, or just a general comeback such as "yer mom." Nah uh-ing is common in many farming regions, where vocabulary is below normal."

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