Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I caught six ladybugs in the laundry room yesterday and let them out the backdoor.

I don't know how they're getting in. I would suppose the dryer vent but it looks pretty well sealed.

I can imagine worse infestations than ladybugs. At least they don't bite and they don't even really fly around much.

We used to have ants. Well, we still might, it's too early to tell. And it's early for ladybugs. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on this.


Anonymous said...

Every single time the weather dares to go above 60 degrees we get a little flare up of ladybugs ourselves ...we leave them be. It doesn't happen during the Summer. I suppose that by then there are nicer places to be.


Moonshadow said...

Usually it's an October thing, a Halloween thing, ladybugs.

It's interesting to see, not only how the family is taking to the "new rooms" but how nature is too!

Like I said, it's "wait & see" on whether the ants return this summer.

Thanks for reading & commenting.