Sunday, March 14, 2010

The weekend's nor'ester disrupted electrical power to St. Joseph's church; it was all dark except for some dim emergency lighting. The sun peeked in a bit, as well.

I wonder how churchgoers in other Christian affiliations would react to such a "service interruption" on Sunday morning. Here are my fanciful speculations, offered facetiously:

"Electricity was working fine yesterday." - Seventh Day Adventists

"Here, light these candles - we found them when we moved in." - Anglicans

"Curse the day we installed electric candles!" - Novus Ordo Catholic1

"How'll we brew the coffee?" - Methodists

"'Tis better to light a candle ... 'post tenebras, lux!'" - Presbyterians

"What preacher worth his weight uses a mixing console?" - Baptists

"Sound reason for a 'Tenebrae' service!" - Lutherans

"Our ἐκκλησία predates electrification." - Eastern Orthodox

"We don't hold with music playing." - Quakers

"We make our own light." - Pentecostals

Feel free to suggest your own.

The recessional hymn was "This Little Light of Mine," one of Kenny's favorites.

1 yup, that's me.

1 comment:

Barb Schoeneberger said...

Very funny. I enjoy this post.