Saturday, March 09, 2013

What would a pilgrimage to Rome be like right now? The local Catholic radio station has advertised one for months, starting Monday:

In November, I returned from a European pilgrimage that got off to a rocky start due to Hurricane Sandy. So I'm very sympathetic to pilgrimages not going as planned. This one seems like a slightly bigger deal, though. Rome could be exciting right now or it could be a major headache. Activities like touring the Sistine Chapel or gaining a papal blessing seem quite improbable. A good tour company can salvage the time.

Would travel insurance reimburse for this unforeseen impact of Benedict's resignation on Roman pilgrimages? In any event, I'll be thinking of these folks over the coming week. I invite you to do the same.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are days of history. Could be a good deal. God bless them and all the cardinals gathered for conclave.