Monday, February 12, 2007

I accepted an open invitation to read Dr. Seuss books to my son's junior kindergarten class this morning.

Ella slept in her infant carrier and Chris played with toys in the back while I sat in the front with Timmy on my left (between me and Ella, what should I make of that?!) and the rest of the students sitting "criss-cross applesauce" around me.

I started with The Sneetches and asked whether anyone knew the story.

One girl said that they have the movie at home. I didn't know there was a movie.

A few children knew the moral already without my reading it: don't think being different means you're better. Or something to that effect. I know whose moms have had plastic surgery ...

Before the grand finale or punchline of the book, I asked, "What happens next?" The girl familiar with the movie answered, "They sing a song!" Yeah, in the movie version. I wasn't about to sing anything!

Then I read Fox in Socks which, if you don't know, is a bunch of tongue-twisters. Some of the kids understood that. I tried to act as if the lines were difficult to say so they would understand. But since I've had these books memorized for years, I can rattle 'em off pretty easily without looking.

Finally, they settled down enough for me to read a fairly long book, my personal favorite, The Lorax. Read my book review.

They understood the environmental message of the book.

I had a good time and Tim was glad to see me there.

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