Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm about halfway through Frank Schaeffer's autobiography that I received for Valentine's Day.

I manage a few chapters a few nights a week. Very short chapters, sometimes two or three pages long. I do recommend the book and have been meaning to post my favorite lines - almost every chapter has something quotable! - but, well, the sheer volume of good lines and the fact that the book is on my night-stand and my computer is downstairs and if the book makes its way downstairs it might never get back upstairs and how can I finish it if it's downstairs and I'm used to reading it at night in bed? You see.

Anyway, surprise, surprise, that an article on the elder Schaeffer's Swiss retreat is featured in this month's Christianity Today, L'Abri Turns 50, 3/1/08.

Even though Frank Schaeffer is a good writer, I still don't have a clear picture of his parents.

It seems, maybe, his dad started out pretty strict, then loosened up a bit and then returned to being very strict. The legalization of abortion in the US seemed to have a lot to do with this switch back to being strict. I suppose his only son had a problem with the strict part. His mother was, more or less, consistent, strict but practical.

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