Thursday, January 24, 2008

It can't be done in one night, all last minute. Two nights, yes, but not one. At least not by me.

Trying to cram everything into one night showed me why I wasn't getting much out of it: answers didn't come quickly enough and I skipped around in the interest of time. Fatigue, too, interferes with imaginative thinking. Not to mention stress, I mean, pressure ... of time, of a deadline.

In the middle was a quick question on application. Not about doing, but about changing one's beliefs!

That's not a problem for me; I change my beliefs regularly.
Fine tune? Tweak? No, "flip-flop" would be a more accurate description.

For some reason, that's viewed, even among secularists, as wishy-washy. Christians denounce it as "being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine." (Eph. 4:14) You won't catch them changing their minds!

I don't call it "wishy-washy." I call it "learning." I wasn't born knowing this stuff. I come to it all pretty late anyway. Why would I want to learn things I already know?

Now, this may be where they charge us with being minimalists or whatever, but if I want to know how to live, I'll read the Gospels. The Sermon on the Mount, probably.

I'll just read the Lord Jesus' words in my Red Letter. Done that many times before.

Then I might turn to the Epistles or Acts. Sure, the Ten Commandments are always in the back of my mind, but what else from the Tanakh? Maybe Proverbs, if I can stand it. A very humiliating read!

But, no, we're in Isaiah 3,4, and 5, looking for God's will! Not a goose chase, it's there. Yeah, you can find it right there. But, I wouldn't think to look there first ... or second ... or third. Well, that's why I'm in this study, right? To broaden my repertoire.

Now, she didn't come out and say it directly, I mean, naming names. And I don't know when the video series was made, frankly, but 2007, I think. And she said that the United States needs to pay attention to Isaiah 3:12 -
O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them.
That inexperienced, weak leaders are a sign of God's judgment. Will some take this as an indication of whom to vote for?

OK, OK, we're not a theocracy. But how about other institutions?

Is weak church leadership a divine chastisement? But "weak" is subjective. You like the conservative bishops and I like the liberal ones. Doesn't God deliberately chose the weak for leadership, propping them up with His grace?

I don't think this verse can be applied as simply as it has to our times. Not that a little renewal and repentance isn't nearly always a good idea!

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