Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It dawned on me this morning that I'm low-church.

Not coining a phrase here at all.

Too many Newman Center services to blame, perhaps? Or too influenced by JPII's low-church pontificate, made all too clear with that of his successor?

It's many things, I'm sure: I've long dropped the genuflecting, the holy water font, that little gesture before the Gospel is read, the sign of the cross before and after private prayer.

And no ashes today:
Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart,
with fasting, and weeping, and mourning;
Rend your hearts, not your garments,
and return to the LORD, your God.
For gracious and merciful is he,
slow to anger, rich in kindness,
and relenting in punishment.
Perhaps he will again relent
and leave behind him a blessing,
Offerings and libations
for the LORD, your God.

Blow the trumpet in Zion!
proclaim a fast,
call an assembly;
Gather the people,
notify the congregation;
Assemble the elders,
gather the children
and the infants at the breast;
Let the bridegroom quit his room
and the bride her chamber.
Between the porch and the altar
let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep,
And say, "Spare, O LORD, your people,
and make not your heritage a reproach,
with the nations ruling over them!
Why should they say among the peoples,
'Where is their God?'"

Then the LORD was stirred to concern for his land
and took pity on his people.
On the way out, I overheard a woman say to no one in particular, "Hey, you wanna pray the rosary?" That's a thought; I had mine on me.

But ... the Glorious Mysteries ... on Ash Wednesday?!

This is how I learned them ... a simplified version? Or is it merely ultra-traditionalism that advocates the Sorrowful Mysteries from Ash Wednesday to Easter? I'd say there's latitude but, if one doesn't pray all 15 (20?!) today, the sorrowful ones might be most appropriate.

Other opinions?


Matt said...

Sorry I'm just getting to typing this now...

A couple weeks ago someone at my parish (at the coffee hour table) basically condemned the Luminous Mysteries and that started a big debate. Another, more liberal...if that is the right word, friend of mine declared that the Luminous Mysteries weren't mandated but everything else was. Praying the Sorrowful mysteries was MANDATED during lent, as the Joyful during Advent is MANDATED.

Truth be told, nothing in the Rosary is "mandated". Praying the Sorrowful mysteries in Lent is a tradition. So just go ahead and do whatever feels right is my opinion.

Another thought is this...perhaps there is another devotion which brings you closer to God besides the Rosary? I could get pummeled for this...but if you've got something else, say a chaplet of some sort, the Divine Office perhaps, a set of prayers from a book...then why not?

Moonshadow said...

I haven't any other chaplets, come to think of it.

just go ahead and do whatever feels right

Sure, naturally. That's what I think tradition is, doing how I've been taught.

The Luminous Mysteries were condemned on the basis of simply being "new" ... or because Mary doesn't really figure in any of them?

Other devotions? There are Friday Stations and Tuesday vespers this Lent. Once the kids get older, I can return to a fuller slate of favorites: holy hour and Catholic prayer books.

I appreciate your comment.