Saturday, February 13, 2010

The snow storm last Friday night into Saturday prompted the reschedule of Tim's First Eucharist retreat, blasphemously called "Jesus Day." Jeff would drop him off first thing because the other two boys had tennis clear across the state. But, without Tim, we finished 30 minutes sooner, enough time to pick up Chris's playdate, exchange the boys for Ella and get over to church for the parents' meeting and afternoon pickup. I was even early.

Ella lasted ten minutes of sitting still. I took her to the library where I could still maintain eye contact. We tried a back pew for a few minutes, but no good. I'd heard it all before anyway. It was some parents' first time. The pleading and begging I just can't stand.
"Please don't share your confessional horror stories with your children!"
As if we would.
"It isn't as if you can make up for your sins with penance. Read the Church's teaching!"

CCC 1459-1460 and also Catholic Encyclopedia:
The Catholic doctrine on this point is set forth by the Council of Trent, which condemns the proposition: "That the entire punishment is always remitted by God together with the guilt, and the satisfaction required of penitents is no other than faith whereby they believe that Christ has satisfied for them; ..."
And all the business about "this comes first." Hey, preaching to the converted: I didn't think twice about him missing tennis. But you'd better believe his older brother exploited the occasion, "Why can't I skip tennis too?!"

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