Friday, February 19, 2010

The town has a longstanding problem with trucks running to and from a mine on Baird Rd. The trucks are supposed to exit the mine, turn left onto Millstone Rd., make another left onto Sweetmans Lane and pick up 527A at Woodville to 33.

For many years, I would encounter these huge dump trucks on Baird Rd. when carting my boys back-and-forth to their old school. The trucks would turn right onto Prodelin Way and then go to 33. The terror of encountering these trucks on narrow Baird Rd. was surpassed only when the new middle school opened in the fall of '07 near Conover, and I would encounter a dozen school buses coming at me.

This morning after dropping Chris at school, I came home along Millstone Rd. which I hardly ever do. There were two dump trucks lined up at the intersection waiting to turn left. I waited for the first one but the driver of the second one waved me through. And I got a good idea of how one flipped over last week.

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