Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just saw this story on the 5 o'clock news:

"Wild Turkey Crashes Into, Trashes Boy's Bedroom" - WNBC 4 NY, 11/15/06.

First reported in the Asbury Park Press: "Home-invading turkey creates flap" - 11/15/06:
MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP — The Lane family is going out for Thanksgiving, so they do not need a turkey.

But, need one or not, the Lanes got one — the wild turkey that flew through a second-story bedroom window, right through two glass panes and a screen.

"It was very exciting," said Lisa Lane, 41. "What's so funny (is) it's around Thanksgiving, and I have this wild turkey in my house."

I regularly see a few turkeys near Scooter's Corner, where Stage Coach, Paint Island Spring and Millstone Road intersect but I can't imagine a whole flock in the backyard.

I hope they don't migrate to my side of town. It's all I can do to keep out the Canada Geese!

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