Sunday, September 07, 2008

I've been looking for commentaries on the Bk. of Daniel, especially Catholic ones.

Do you know that the Berit Olam Old Testament commentary series from Liturgical Press doesn't have a commentary on Daniel?! And unlike Exodus and the major prophets, there doesn't seem to be one in-the-works, accepting pre-orders?!

I saw a reference to a commentary by Fr. Most but couldn't find the actual work until reading japhy's blog just now ... he's got a post with a link to all Fr. Most's commentaries.

Even though it's a very brief commentary, I haven't read it all yet. But here's a sample of how he treats the first six chapters of Daniel:
The problem becomes acute right away in the opening verse, in regard to the date of the third year of Jehoiakim, which seems at least at first sight to contradict the Babylonian records.

One possible solution is to say that the stories of that part of Daniel, and some others too, are in the edifying narrative genre. In this genre we read stories that are quite interesting, but the relation of the things in them to real history or biography is about the same as the relation of science fiction to science.

For example, there are some early medieval lives of Irish Saints. These Saints did everything by miracles.

Now: would an ancient Irishman even with six good shots of whiskey really take these stories as real history? Of course not. Yet he got a sort of lift out of reading them. It is evident that in such a genre there is no need for precision on dates and some other things.
So, yeah, I'll read it. And, shoot, I ordered a used copy of Anchor commentary, gosh, who did Daniel, ah, yes, Hartman and Di Lella. Good guys. I know the leader favors the NIV series so I'll get that one, even though I'm a fan of neither the series nor the author. And I'll also get the WBC volume.

I'll accept suggestions and recommendations, especially for Catholic commentaries as I seem to be at a loss for such. I've already read Collegeville and NJBC about a million times over for Daniel, so don't mention those two.

UPDATED: Ok, I found Navarre's volume ... Daniel should not be grouped with the major prophets ... oh, that offends my sensibilities ... who would even think to look for it there?! But anyway, I'll get that volume as well, especially since the Isaiah study continues this fall ...

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