Sunday, February 05, 2006

It was an exercise in meekness to read Clarke's commentary on Daniel 7:25 but I'm naturally beguiled by archaic English prose. I presume his was selected not for its ideology but its accessibility: it's free online.

Wading through the charges, up t' me neck, to his satisfying conclusion: If the church of Rome will reform itself, it will then be the true Christian church, and will never be destroyed. [...] then, all hail the once Roman, but now, after such a change, the HOLY, Catholic church! Every true Protestant would wish rather the reform than the extinction of this church. [emphasis mine]

Well, if that be the mark of a "true Protestant", I daresay, I have met very few truly Protestant Christians, because that is not a sentiment that I often encounter - most seem to have given up on us - but I do believe that it is the proper sentiment and Catholics ought to share it, too. Ecclesia semper reformanda est.

Maybe I ought to just buy a cilice and mortify my flesh instead of humiliating my spirit with these Scripture commentaries.

1 comment:

Moonshadow said...

I love your blog, too, btw.

Yes, read Clarke's commentary on Daniel 7:25 ... it gave me the eyeopening perspective of a 19th cent. outsider.

I hope to meet more hopeful people like yourself.