Monday, April 30, 2007

Timmy is the one who likes pink.

So, whenever Romancing the Stone went to commerical or a mushy part, I flipped over to Pretty In Pink, after checking how the Sabres were doin'. It was on twice, you know how they show them back-to-back on Sunday afternoons, so we caught the second showing almost from the beginning.

And, gosh, I racked my brain over the bit part players as I always do.

I could not place Steff.

Sure, I got Dice Clay and, with some help, saw Margaret Colin from ID4. But, even looking at Spader's filmography - his name is generic enough - was no help because I have never watched "Boston Legal" or "The Practice" or "Seinfeld". 'Though I s'pose those legal type roles should have been a hint.

More pictures, more pictures, I hunted for more pictures and found one in the comments section that clinched it. Not the picture, per se, but the caption, Secretary.

Oh, yes, that quiet, little, scary show Secretary. I couldn't watch the whole thing, after he started spanking her. Jeff said they married. I seriously doubted he was a real lawyer but I guess I was wrong. She had my sympathy.

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