Tantrum ... with full range of motion.
He said "it is necessary not to forget that the distribution of Communion in the hand, from a juridical standpoint, remains up to now an indult," which is an exemption from a general requirement that is granted by the Vatican to the bishops' conferences which have requested it.Wouldn't the "preference" be up to the recipient? The indult says nothing about kneeling or standing.
However, the pope's preference for the traditional practice is not meant to "take anything away from the other" permissible form of standing or receiving the Eucharist in the hand, he said.
"Two views have been maintained by equally godly and learned scholars. Some believe both genealogies are of Joseph, but that the one in Matthew gives the legal descendants ... blah, blah, blah.Wouldn't it be a remarkable thing, in the Bible, if a man's genealogy was recorded through his mother, as many claim Luke does? Such a thing would trump the length and the star-studded personages.
"A far simpler solution ... Matthew presents Joseph's genealogy whereas Luke presents Mary's genealogy. In addition, appeal may be made to Nm. 27:1-11 and 36:1-12 to give Scriptural precedent for the substitution of Joseph's name in Lk. 3:23. At the same time it avoids the judgment spoken of in Jer. 22:28-30."
"They ... differ in that some of the names are different. Some suggest that Matthew's traces Joseph's line and Luke's Mary's, but Luke's specifically starts with "Joseph," the son of Heli. What is clear is that both Gospels defend the fact that Jesus descended from David."I don't have a problem affirming that, that Jesus descended from David. But let's not pretend that Mary's genealogy is recorded in the Bible.
"Americans believe in everything. It's a spiritual salad bar," says Rice University sociologist Michael Lindsay. Rather than religious leaders setting the cultural agenda, today, it's Oprah Winfrey, he says.
When he factors in Pew's February findings that 44% of adults say they've switched to another religion or none at all, Lugo says, "You have to wonder: How do you guarantee the integrity of a religious tradition when so many people are coming or going or following ideas that don't match up?"
The Rev. Frank Page of Taylors, S.C., past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, is not surprised by the Pew findings. "The number (of churches that) teach a clear doctrinal Christianity are a minority today. How would people know it when they never hear about how to be saved?"
"We still work as hard as we can to share the good news," he says, "even though we know most will reject the way."
Americans of every religious stripe are considerably more tolerant of the beliefs of others than most of us might have assumed, according to a new poll released Monday.I think it all boils down to definitions, how they asked the questions, distorted media sound-bites and the fact that people don't want to come across as bigoted, especially Christians.
An acceptance of the notion of other paths to salvation dilutes the impact of the doctrine that Christ died to remove sin and thus opened the pathway to eternal life for those who accept him as their personal savior. It could also reduce the impulse to evangelize, which is based on the premise that those who are not Christian are denied salvation. The problem, says Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is that "the cultural context and the reality of pluralism has pulled many away from historic Christianity."
Says Lindsay, "The problem is not that Americans don't believe in anything, but that they believe in everything, and the two things don't always fit together."
More so than Christ's divinity or Resurrection, [Dr. Al Mohler] says, "the exclusivity of the Gospel is the most vulnerable doctrine in the face of the modern world."
"The Day Has Come ..."Simply marvelous.
The British are coming (again) to Monmouth Battlefield State Park and George Washington and the Continental Army are not far behind."Battle of Monmouth will rage again in Manalapan" - Examiner, 6/19/08.
On June 21-22 the park will be alive with more than 1,000 re-enactors portraying the militia, Continental Army and British Army.
The cardinal, who was visiting London at the invitation of the Latin Mass Society, a British Catholic group committed to promoting Mass in the Tridentine rite of the 1962 Roman Missal,And, um, adult catechism classes are more needed for the basics of the Faith, rather than as a primer on how to worship God which ought to arise naturally from a well-formed faith and be so integrated into the culture as to be second nature:
The cardinal said parishes could use catechism classes to prepare Catholics to celebrate such Masses every Sunday
"Time is ticking away for Lyme bill to be heard" - Examiner, 6/12/08.
He was, in every way, Mr. Buffalo," said Sen. Charles Schumer, who first met Russert when he was an aide to Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan.I read this piece in RD at the time: "Tim Russert Gets Lessons From His Father", Reader's Digest, June 2004:
"Even when he was interviewing presidents and heads of state, western New Yorkers knew that his blue-collar Buffalo sensibility guided him throughout."
"One of the people in Buffalo that made it and never forgot where he came from," [Thurman] Thomas said. "Just a down home, good solid person."
Buffalo Sabres managing partner Larry Quinn, who went to Canisius High School with Russert and stayed in regular touch, said Russert called to buy Sabres season tickets last year.
"So many people don't acknowledge that they're from here and he never did that," Quinn said.
When he heard this, Dad roared with laughter. "You wrote a letter to the Pope? Let me know if you hear back from him."
I told him that I had managed to get an appointment with Joseph Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia and was hoping to enlist his help. Cardinal Krol was of Polish descent and a friend of the Holy Father's; when Pope John Paul II was a cardinal, he visited Cardinal Krol on a trip to the United States.
Dad said, "Maybe you should write that letter in Polish. I have some friends in Cheektowaga" -- a blue-collar suburb of Buffalo -- "who could help you."
We were both laughing. Then he said, "I'm serious. When you talk to people, speak their language. It shows respect."
When I hung up the phone, I thought: Actually, that's a pretty good idea.
Many area schools will dismiss students early and a couple of districts are closed because of today's high temperatures, according to school district Web sites.Not Millstone.
It was such a relief to visit the Walsh family. They were blessedly ordinary, liberal-leaning Democrat-voting Roman Catholics.Not a coincidence. Excerpted from Crazy For God, page 250.
Unlike my family, the Walsh children seemed to have lives independent of their father and mother. Genie's mother seemed pleased when her children made their own ways. The frantic talk about the Lord's leading, or the "direction of the work," and the constant wrangling and positioning between family members over what amounted to the family business - L'Abri - was absent. And my admiration for Genie's sensible family was one of the reasons that I began wondering if the ideas I'd grown up with were really the only good ideas to live by. The Walsh clan didn't believe what we believed, and yet they seemed to be doing just fine.
Pope Benedict XVI called for a re-emphasis on the study of philosophy in universities, as part of a more intense dialogue between faith and reason.
"Excuse me, is the service over?"It was too early and too hot to be greeted with rock music. I stepped over three people in order to sit exactly where I wanted, my warm smile for them stemming from smug amusement at the latecomers' breakneck driving into the parking lot.
"Uh-huh. The next one begins at 11."1
A 10 o'clock service is just beginning across the street ... at Queenship of Mary.
" 'I saw the Lord always before me.The worship tempo slowed with You Alone Are God2, before an offering prayer laden with conversational encouragement to give sacrificially.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will live in hope,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence.'"
He did not doubt God’s promise in unbelief;1 rather, he was strengthened by faith and gave glory to God and was fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to do. That is why it was credited to him as righteousness.excerpt from second reading, 10th Sunday OT, Romans 4:20-25.
But it was not for him alone that it was written that it was credited to him; it was also for us, to whom it will be credited, who believe in the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was handed over for our transgressions and was raised for our justification.
"It's just a man-made law that women can't be ordained. There's nothing in the Bible about it!"He and I shot concerned glances at each other before he replied, "I can't talk about it."
"I used to think there were you Catholics on one side and us Protestants on the other.Not about silly things. I told her, "The things are important."
But I've learned over the years that Protestants disagree with each other about so many silly things!"
That is the reason why the Assyrian Church of the East is praying the Virgin Mary as "the Mother of Christ our God and Saviour". In the light of this same faith the Catholic tradition addresses the Virgin Mary as "the Mother of God" and also as "the Mother of Christ". We both recognize the legitimacy and rightness of these expressions of the same faith and we both respect the preference of each Church in her liturgical life and piety.He said there were still barriers to full communion but this agreement was a beginning, a movement in the right direction. And that some practices are a movement in the wrong direction, like those churches that ordain women.
Edward Florek, 63, said he broke ranks with the board in March after concluding that Father Marek Bozek, whom the board hired as its pastor after the archbishop recalled the parish's priests in 2004, was leading the parish away from Roman Catholicism."St. Stanislaus Kostka board member reconciles with Catholic Church" - Catholic News Service, 6/6/08.
the results of surveys ... show a clear trend, amplified in each succeeding generation, away from what Catholic writer Eugene Kennedy calls “Culture One Catholicism,” with a high emphasis on religious practice, clerical authority and doctrinal conformity, towards “Culture Two Catholicism,” emphasizing lay autonomy and the individual conscience.Amen.
the idea that some younger Catholics–including theologians–are “Culture One” Catholics just doesn’t work for me. They couldn’t be even if they tried. The “Culture One” culture that Davidson is referring to isn’t just a belief system. It’s a whole set of unconscious assumptions that people picked up from living in a certain time and place and it is gone, dead and buried. “Liberal” and “Conservative” Catholics in the post-conciliar era are liberals and conservatives in decidedly “Culture Two” ways. The Catholic blogosphere–where hotshot young laity regularly take the p–s out of bishops they don’t like–is very much a Culture Two phenomenon. [J. Peter Nixon]
The difference (and peril) for what I’ll call Neo Culture One types (just because putting “neo” in front of anything makes it so trendy) is that, as Peter said, they are not generationally Culture One. They are more like restorationists, but trying to restore something they don’t know. And that, as Peter Berger points out, becomes fundamentalism–the effort to recreate a past that never existed. That makes fundamentalists as modern as anyone. And just as Peter noted, the purportedly ultramontane “conservatives” are in fact among the toughest critics of the church, top to bottom. Or what they might call “dissenters.” Culture is hard to create; it’s even harder to re-create. PS: I converted at the Vatican in 1989 at the age of 30. What the hell does that make me? [David Gibson]
While I agree that Culture 1 is a thing of the past, I also believe that a modicum of sacramental discipline on the part of the faithful would be salutary. That’s a Culture One phenomenon that’s well worth trying to transform into something vibrant today. [Jim Pauwels]
My intent was to suggest that a certain type of Catholic -culture-, quite apart from the individuals who were once formed by it, no longer exists. We may rejoice in its passing or we may regret it. But it seems indisputable to me that it has passed. My own feelings are mixed. There are times when I think there is an “unbearable lightness” to contemporary Catholic culture and applaud efforts to recover a “thicker” set of Catholic practices. I think there are many of my generation who are not necessarily “fundamentalists” who feel this way. But any new Catholic culture that might come into being through small acts of resourcement will certainly not be a return to the recent past. It will be something new, something that is hopefully a form of Christian witness that can speak to the unique needs of our age. [J. Peter Nixon]
MILLSTONE - If new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps are correct, there are homeowners in the township who will need to buy flood insurance.So, it is the bridge right by Agress, right by the synagogue. Months ago, the paper had photos of the other bridge. Either way, same thing to me. And the boys' camp bus must take a different route.
Some houses on Rocky Brook Road and Hampton Hollow Court are now listed as being in the flood zone, he said. A number of the houses listed in the flood zone back up to the Rocky Brook, he said.
Millstone residents are also bracing for bridge construction that will take a major thoroughfare out of use for at least six months.
The county plans to close the bridge from July 1 to the end December, he said.
Traffic will have to detour off Prodelin Way onto either Baird Road or Perrineville Road to access Millstone Road while construction is under way.
Therefore, following the holy fathers, we all with one accord teach men to acknowledge one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at once complete in Godhead and complete in manhood, truly God and truly man, consisting also of a reasonable soul and body; of one substance with the Father as regards his Godhead, and at the same time of one substance with us as regards his manhood; like us in all respects, apart from sin; as regards his Godhead, begotten of the Father before the ages, but yet as regards his manhood begotten, for us men and for our salvation, of Mary the Virgin, the God-bearer; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, recognized in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being preserved and coming together to form one person and subsistence, not as parted or separated into two persons, but one and the same Son and Only-begotten God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ; even as the prophets from earliest times spoke of him, and our Lord Jesus Christ himself taught us, and the creed of the fathers has handed down to us.The "symbol" or definition of Chalcedon.
Here was the truth, nobly expressed: the only possible response was to adhere to it, heart, mind, and soul. That is what Avery Dulles has done for 68 years, since he entered the Catholic Church in 1940. [...] Avery Dulles has been a theologian of the tradition, explicating ancient truths, stretching them a bit, exploring their implications, but never seeking cheap originality or sound-bite fame.What would it take to get him canonized? I ask you.
That modesty of purpose has gone hand-in-hand with an evangelical modesty of person. One does not often see cardinals of the Holy Roman Church repairing their shoes with duct tape, or walking across campus in cheap blue windbreakers; the cardinal’s sartorial style would cause pain at Men’s Wearhouse (not to mention Brooks Brothers). There is no affectation here, though; Avery Dulles took a vow of poverty when he entered the Society of Jesus and he has kept it, as he has kept his vows of chastity, obedience to superiors, and that special obedience to the Pope which is the distinguishing hallmark of classic Ignatian life.
He can no longer speak, and the muscles of his arms are also impaired. Yet his mind is lucid, he continues to read and work, and communicates slowly by touching the letters of his computer keyboard. In our “conversation” he was always one step ahead of me.
These days, when I pray in the “Preface” to the Eucharistic Prayer that we might “always and everywhere give thanks,” the witness of Avery Dulles is in my heart.
BATAVIA -- A smoldering cigarette has been called the probable cause of a fire early Friday that killed a 17-year-old high school student.Nobody dare smoke indoors these days. Or use an ashtray, those filthy things.
Genesee County Emergency Management Services coordinator Timothy J. Yaeger said the victim's mother, Judy Clark, 41, had been smoking in an enclosed porch about half an hour before the fire broke out about 2 a.m. A smoke detector and barking dog awakened Clark and she and another son, 15-year-old Michael Mooney, escaped with minor injuries.
Erik Mooney was found in the house and pronounced dead of smoke inhalation an hour later at United Memorial Medical Center.
The brothers were students at Oakfield-Alabama Central School. Their stepfather, Scott Clark, 47, is a truck driver and was not home at the time.