Friday, September 22, 2006

After school yesterday, we were invited bowling with some friends.

My kids hate to bowl. However, they know that bowling alleys have video games, so they like going to the bowling alley. The problem is that I was caught off-guard about the plans. I had been out all day, between swimming class and doctor's appointment and grocery shopping. In fact, I still had groceries in the car when I picked up the boys at school.

So, I had to drop those off at home. Chris had not had a nap all day, so he was very tired. I tried for several minutes to get a babysitter. For the first time, I took a serious look at the list of babysitters that my parish has compiled. And I recognized a few names! You see, the fourth graders that I taught five years ago are now in ninth grade and are old enough to babysit!

But, in talking with sitters or their parents, I quickly learned that Millstone's Back-to-School night was last night and this evening, so any teenaged child would be needed at home to watch younger siblings while parents attended the program at school. I had no chance to getting a sitter, so poor, tired Chris came along with us.

In doing all this, by the time we arrived at the bowling alley, everyone else was deep into their second and final game. No matter, my kids had told me that they did not want to bowl. I would not let them play video games, however, either. So, they visited and their friends let them throw a few balls here and there. That's about the extent of their interest level.

I talked with one mother who has switched her child to a nearby Catholic school because of the problems at our school last year. She isn't very happy with the curriculum compared with what our kids are doing. It was hard for me to be sympathetic, especially because I know that it isn't only about the curriculum. Our plan is to see each other a couple of times per month at a Bible study at her church, starting next week. And she was interested to know that the ladies' locker room at the YMCA is open. She may join the swim class with me.

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