Saturday, September 09, 2006

A friend forwarded to me a chain-email last week that encouraged all to fly an American flag on Monday.

We don't have an American flag. We have never had one. What impression does that give, that we aren't patriotic?

Of course, I like to think it's just the opposite. That I wouldn't display an image of the flag on a car's rear bumper or on a t-shirt.

I remember how the zeal of the common patriot after 9/11 resulted in a flurry of re-education from experts about protocol and display guidelines, etc., etc. and we all ended up criticizing our neighbor's "tasteless and offensive" use of the flag. Remember that? Anyone?

And in some matters, I am of the opinion that "you do it right or you don't do it at all." Flags fall into this category for me.

So, I told my friend that we won't be flying a flag on Monday, or any day, but I'll be in church that morning ... and for as many mornings as I can.

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