Bowling is pretty fun. This is our New Year's Eve, with a glass of champagne.
The board voted unanimously to accept a donation for a giving tree ...Yes, proofs portraying overweight subjects and rumors of no playground equipment at the elementary school!
[S]uch trees are often found outside hospitals and corporations, and are used to raise money for organizations.
The tree can hold 100 2-inch-by-4-inch brass leaves and has outer islands for growth for as many as 300 leaves.
The board also accepted rebate checks totaling $3,279 from Lifetouch National School Studios for the elementary school to use for playground equipment.
After the end of the French rule and Vietnam division in mid-1950s, Catholicism declined in the North ...Everyone knows, of course, that if the soldier was a Christian, he would have been a Roman Catholic.
In 1955 approximately 600,000 Catholics remained in the North after an estimated 650,000 had fled to the South. Christianity in Vietnam, Wiki
"because even suicide looks pretty good compared to upstate New York."Ain't it the truth?
But if he'd [George] hung out for a while, had a few drinks in the Indian Club, dropped a couple dimes in the dance hall, maybe checked out the action at the burlesque, he would have gotten a whole new take on the situation.
It is especially worth noting the significant role of the front porch in the course of the film. Numerous scenes take place in the intermediate space between home and street.I can think of only two scenes, well, two and a half, if you count Harry's wedding party photograph: after the graduating party when George is encouraged to kiss Mary and the Martini's housewarming presentation. Deneen's piece received plenty of fair criticism; it's the weakest one I've read.
Israeli scientists have inscribed the entire Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible onto a space less than half the size of a grain of sugar.Not the one by NCR. 'Though someone on eBay is selling one.
The previous smallest known copy of the Bible measured 1.1 x 1.3 x 0.4 inches, weighed 0.4 ounces and contained 1,514 pages, according to Guinness World Records spokeswoman.
How the earliest group(s) viewed Paul is unclear.For his part, Jim ran with that last line and brought in Hyam Maccoby's book The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity which I ordered from Amazon. Apparently there's a guy posting his reactions to Maccoby's book on YouTube. (Oh, I have that exact same poster of Jerusalem!)
By some reports he was tolerated or accepted as one who could go to the Gentiles with a version of the Nazarene message (Acts 15, 21).
Others apparently believed he was an apostate from the Torah and founder of a new religion—Christianity."
His [...] road to Rome ended on Friday night when, in front of family and friends, he was accepted into the Catholic faith by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor ...
Mr Blair took into account his faith when making some important decisions as prime minister ... to the role of his Christian faith in his decision to go to war in Iraq, saying that he had prayed about the issue, and that God would judge him for his decision.
He added: "You always get into trouble talking about it [religion]."
"Where is the modern Protestant writer worthy to loosen the sandal of James Joyce, who, for all his obscenity, couldn't shake himself free of Athanasius and Aquinas?"Why Evanglicals Can't Write" - Peter Leithart, Credenda, Vol. 18, Is. 2.
"Sacramental theology shapes her [O'Connor] understanding of reality,
"'... now she thought of it [the eucharist] as a symbol and implied that it was a pretty good one. I then said, in a very shaky voice, "Well, if it's a symbol, to hell with it."'
"Symbols separated from reality and reduced, as they are in much Protestant theology, to 'mere signs,' cannot do anything, whether in reality or in fiction. They exist as sheer ornament, or, at best, as pointers to some something in some real realm of reality that can do something. But if this is so, then the moment of grace, whether in fiction or reality, never enters this world, into the realm of what-is.
Without a sacramental theology, and specifically a theology of sacramental action, Protestant writers cannot do justice to this world or show that this world is the theater of God's redeeming action.
"Although, to give Bunyan his due, he was here following a typical (and very Catholic) medieval pattern in literature, while adding the astounding innovation of homely and realistic dialog. Nevertheless, the cardboard charactizations strike us the way they do for a reason."
"There was an awful fire in the factory. Only forty people survived. There was no way out of the building. People even jumped to their deaths." Joe's voice was hushed, and he was crying openly.
"Rosie, don't you see? Because you kept Sabbath, you are alive. Because of your Sabbath, you survived."
At the Church of God, the outdoor message board still urged "Keep Our Township Dry," late last week.
"A number of people I talked to were changing their vote to yes this time because of the promise of tax revenue for schools and the fire company," said Pastor Dennis Arndt said.
I know a lot of you are saying to yourselves: "He's asking for a miracle to happen. He's expecting people to change all of a sudden."Gary Cooper in Meet John Doe.
Well, you're wrong.
It's no miracle. It's no miracle because I see it happen once every year. And so do you. At Christmas time!
There's something swell about the spirit of Christmas, to see what it does to people, all kinds of people . . .
Now, why can't that spirit, that same warm Christmas spirit last the whole year round? Gosh, if it ever did, if each and every John Doe would make that spirit last three hundred and sixty-five days out of the year, we'd develop such a strength, we'd create such a tidal wave of good will, that no human force could stand against it.
Yes, sir, my friends, the meek can only inherit the earth when the John Does start loving their neighbors. You'd better start right now.
Don't wait till the game is called on account of darkness!
Wake up, John Doe! You're the hope of the world!
The long-rumored rift between Committeeman Elias Abilheira and other members of the governing body was confirmed publicly at the Dec. 5 Township Committee meeting.These politicans promised the voters that if we elected a committee of them, of all and only Republicans, they would work together without divisions and arguments, etc.
Didn't she tape you to your seat once?When she put the girl who sat in front of me all those years in the closet, the girl told her father, a high school teacher. She never put that girl in the closet again.
Was it your brother, then, that she taped to his seat? She taped someone to their seat once. Ask your brother.
Which one?
Any of them, all of them. Ask all of them. It could have been any of them, right?
I suppose so.
Howell, 35, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English education from Montclair State University in Upper Montclair and received a Master of Arts degree in educational leadership from Seton Hall University in South Orange.Local fella? Shyeah.
He hails from Toms River and lives with his wife in Neptune City.
Next, we would like to thank Father Mike of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church for allowing us to hold our holiday fair in the church hall and the parish community for making our fair such a great success.I suppose I should have bought something. Or at least browsed.
As a student in the Millstone Township Middle School, Jessica and her creative writing classmates in teacher Arlene Agulnick's class entered a contest sponsored by the New Jersey Hall of Fame.I did a double take on the girl's teacher's name, it's so similar.
Lipscomb, 57, stepped down as Bishop of the Southwest Florida Diocese of the Episcopal Church due to health reasons on September 15 after serving for ten years.
Lipscomb, who was raised a Baptist and became an Episcopalian as a teenager, is the latest in a series of bishops from the Episcopal Church and its related tributaries to join the Catholic Church.
This year three other bishops in the Episcopal Church announced their intention to convert.
The Rev. Jeffrey N. Steenson, bishop of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, asked the House of Bishops, the governing body, to accept his resignation in September.
Earlier in year, Daniel Herzog of the Diocese of Albany, and Clarence Pope of the Diocese of Fort Worth, both retired bishops, were received.
Among those changing denominations, the Roman Catholics generally say they long to breathe the "free air" of the Anglican Communion, with Catholic priests usually saying they plan to marry, the bishop said. The Anglicans usually say they have had enough of the "woolly thinking" of their leadership, he added.I didn't know this:
"Anglicans who become Roman Catholic generally become very conservative Roman Catholics, while Roman Catholics who become Anglican tend to become very liberal Anglicans," he said.
Bishop Flack, who is the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury's representative to the Vatican, said he usually counsels people to stay within their community as a valuable voice in continuing debates.
"Changing your spots makes the Anglican Church more liberal and the Roman Catholic Church more conservative," Bishop Flack said.
The provision also set up guidelines for "Anglican use" Catholic parishes, allowing former Episcopalian parishes to retain some of their Anglican liturgical and spiritual traditions.And, wow:
Currently close to 80 former Anglican ministers are serving as Catholic priests in the United States and there are seven "Anglican use" parishes.
Many Traditional Anglican Communion members hope they will be welcomed with a provision for the establishment of an "Anglican rite" within the Roman Catholic Church, allowing them to maintain some of their traditional disciplines -- including married priests -- and their liturgical heritage.
Bishop Flack said establishing an Anglican rite within the Roman Catholic Church before the church and the entire Anglican Communion established full unity "would have a worsening effect on relations. It would be seen as interference in the internal affairs of the Anglican Communion."