Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Hmmm ... via

"How Sally Quinn made me a better Catholic" - Slate, 6/27/08:
I'd always been squishy on who should receive Communion, and never really saw the harm in setting a few extra places at the family dinner.

But thanks to 'Sister Sal,' oh Lord, now I do.
Not on communion but on reading the catechism, I used to recommend non-Catholics with questions study it.

But their research seemed to bring them to such convoluted conclusions that I've stopped encouraging that.

Fr. Martin's post at America:
That's why the words "transubstantiation notwithstanding" are difficult to hear.

If one knows enough about Catholicism to mention 'transubstantiation' then one should also know that the word "notwithstanding" makes little sense in that context.

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