Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Crunchy Con said he would revive Amy Welborn's "What did you hear?" but I don't see it yet for this week.

Anyway, here's mine. One of the few things I appreciate about the Lenten season (that's right, "few things") is that Mike goes to the Reconciliation texts for the Eucharistic Prayers.

Here's what he prayed this morning:
Father, from the beginning of time you have always done what is good for man so that we may be holy as you are holy.

Look with kindness on your people gathered here before you; send forth the power of your Spirit so that these gifts may become for us the body and blood of your beloved Son, Jesus the Christ, in whom we have become your sons and daughters.

When we were lost and could not find the way to you, you loved us more than ever; Jesus, your Son, innocent and without sin, gave himself into our hands and was nailed to a cross.

We do this in memory of Jesus Christ, our Passover and our lasting peace. We celebrate his death and resurrection and look for the coming of that day when he will return to give us the fullness of joy. Therefore we offer you, God ever faithful and true, the sacrifice which restores man to your friendship.

Father, look with love on those you have called to share in the one sacrifice of Christ. By the power of your Holy Spirit make them one body, healed of all division.

Then, freed from every shadow of death, we shall take our place in the new creation and give you thanks through Christ, our risen Lord.
Eucharistic Prayer Reconciliation I

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