Monday, February 18, 2008

I was killing time this afternoon, writing out the first chapter or so of Philippians, and in the first few words is Tim's name.

So when he came close, I showed him his name in the text, Τιμόθεος. I recognized for the first time that "theos" is a part of his name. I couldn't say, off the top of my head, what "timo" meant but I told him, "Hey, your name has 'God' in it."

Of course he liked that. He and Kenny were playing with some new army weapons their father had bought them. He ran around yelling, "I'm Tim-God," at Kenny. Goes right to 'is head.

I looked up his name online and I guess "timo" means "honor." "Timothy" means "God's honor."

Gosh, I was pretty sure that I knew the meaning of my kids' names, but he's always been the one who slips through the cracks. All I really knew about his name was that it comes from the Bible.

We do call him "Timo" sometimes. If he's gonna live up to his namesake, I have some work to do.


Matt said...

Just a quick question, how come you were writing out the Bible? That is quite monastic of you. :-)

Moonshadow said...

If singing is praying twice, then wouldn't writing out the word of God one-up reading it?

I hope to take Greek at Princeton someday and this is my modest way of keeping familiar with the language until then.

My fear is that, 2,000 years hence, someone will find my scribbles and include them among the 1,000s of NT textual variants! :-)

Thanks for reading.