Tempting Fate by taking all the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's this last full week before school starts. Seven or eight days ... just enough time for whatever germs they picked up to fester and develop into fevers and stomach things.
Knock on wood ...
They had a blast. The first $20 in tokens went far; I never thought we'd use 'em all.
The second $20 went much, much faster, as the younger two found their gaming groove. Tim played skeeball, a Shore favorite. I watched him sink into the 10,000 point hole twice and the 5,000 spot several times. He earned more than half of our 530 ticket-points. He'll hurl fast pitch when he grows up.
Kenny played video games, mostly Sega's After Burner but also Rush 2049. He earned 0 ticket-points but somehow talked me into spending 200 ticket-points for a four-color pen that I could buy in the grocery store for a buck twenty-five. The other ticket-earner got three rubber frogs worth 10 points each. And he lost one on the way to the car! Poor kid, what was his mother thinking?!
Promises to return, always promises to return, and next time, right all the wrongs ...
Hey Moonshadow, weren't you looking for an ESV with Apochrypha? I noticed this one while just surfing around the web...
OMG, Matt, you are sooooo on top of things ... I will definitely pre-order this - from OUP, of course! Who else?! - you've made my day.
No problem! I was actually looking for a NKJV with apochrypha...just to see if they exist, but they don't. thats how I came across this one.
And yeah, its from your favorite publishers to boot!
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