Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Over the weekend we watched Children of Men.

I admit that the title didn't turn me on during its theatre run. And, if Wiki is to be believed, that's ironic. I'm ignorant, what more can I say?

Diana's death must have served as inspiration for the overt display of mourning at the passing of the "youngest person on the planet" at the movie's start. Spotted the cover of Animals - Orwellian, I suppose - without difficulty. And saw an alley that could have been in A Clockwork Orange.

I thought the attack on the car was simulated ... "We've come full circle"1 ... but watching the DVD extras afterwards proved me wrong.

The baby's delivery looked real, a little too real for us. Jeff was like, "Uh-huh, that's it."

The treatment of the illegal immigrants was, as one reviewer said, unnerving. Allusions to Das Deutsches Reich2 were so disturbing.

I did get a sense of John Lennon from Michael Caine at one point, that was felt more strongly during the song over the credits. But then, given the number of covers in the movie, we both thought it could be Julian. I mean, I know the song by title only, never heard it, but the voice sounded too clear to be the elder Lennon. Yet it was. My god, what a voice he had. I haven't downloaded from iTunes yet ...

So, yes, hopeful at the end. Wiki quotes the director on using an African "fugee" as a renewed "Out of Africa". I hadn't picked up on that.

1 I watched It Happened One Night a week ago on TCM and, well, the car ride scenes are ... um ... typical of the era, if you get my drift. And Gable's giddiness as he's selling his story to his boss is a rare side ... but just like Depp in Ed Wood.

2 "The Uprising," zum Beispiel

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