Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A few seconds more and we would have been out of sight, already downstairs, but we tarried in the garage, identifying potential items in the basement that could go curbside for the yearly spring cleanup.

In those crucial, unguarded seconds, a nice car pulled into the driveway and two Jehovah Witnesses got out and walked up, literature in hand. I'd had my arms crossed as they approached, out of fatigue from all the heavy lifting we had done. Jeff stayed back, but I ventured forward as they asked permission to come in and speak to us. To refuse them permission never entered my mind and I assumed a more open posture.

He said that he had just been talking with our neighbors and asked whether I had ever given Armageddon any thought. I flashed a smile back at Jeff because he knows me and answered the man frankly that I think quite often about it. Have I not been studying the Book of Revelation off and on for the past ten years?

He opened his literature and described the first page before becoming inexplicably agitated. Jeff and I later agreed that he seemed spooked somehow and, handing me the literature, made a quick departure. The woman lingered only a second to ask how long we'd lived in the neighborhood and welcomed us. She seemed very friendly but he may have sensed, perhaps accurately, that he was interrupting something.

Jeff could only quip, "He hasn't spoken to our neighbors!"

My wife and I went to the movies the other night, we saw Rocky. While I'm watching it, I'm thinking 'This guy is taking a pretty good beating' you know.

Which Rocky was it? 1 or 2, or 3?

I don't know. Three I guess. But...

Hey, did the guy have a mo-hawk like Mr. T?

OK forget Rocky. The point is... when you're down, you're not exactly out... I mean, I mean you gotta hang tough... I don't know.

Well, hang tough, baby! Do what Rocky would do!

He didn't see Rocky
Mr. Mom quotes.

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