It's too big.
First time in a swing.
No, she didn't swing an inch.
Yes, she seemed to like the swing.
More pictures at flickr.
Ou est le piscine?
Pardon moi?
Ou'est le piscine?
A Genesee County teenager has died after a one-car crash Wednesday morning in Bergen. Amanda Mabon, 17, of Oakfield, died Thursday afternoon at Strong Memorial Hospital, sheriff's deputies said.Earlier reports give the street address of the accident as "7311 West Bergen Road". The high school is at 6917 West Bergen Road.
Deputies said Mabon was driving south on West Bergen Road about 11:30 a.m. when her car crossed the center line and struck a tree.
against a Buffalo team that won two games last season and is picked to finish around the bottom of the Mid-American Conference again this year.Better than previous face-offs with results like 50-0. UB has gone entire seasons without winning a game.
"Devotion to Mary does not divert us from the path to Christ. In fact, her very title in the Hail Mary, Mother of God (Theotokos), was hammered out in the debates on the nature of Christ at the Council of Ephesus. Arians there wanted to deny her that title as a way of denying the divinity of her son. They would call her only Mother of Christ (Christotokos)." The Rosary, xvi.I appreciate what Wills says on the Our Father:
"It should be remembered that all this activity [the history of the Rosary - tks] took place before the Reformation, so that the rosary is part of the history of Protestants as well as Catholics." ibid., 6.
"Scholars are now agreed that this is an apocalyptic prayer. ... In an apocalyptic context, where the messianic meal at the end of time comes first to mind, this suggests the feast God will have with his saved ones.I remember reading a more thorough explanation of the Our Father along those apocalyptic lines in an article by Raymond Brown, published in his New Testament Essays which I have, a used copy from Amazon, around here somewhere.
"We are asking to anticipate our homecoming, to sample even now the final blissful meal.
"The Lord's Prayer refers, then, to our participation in the Eucharist as a prefiguration of the feast at the end-time." 17-18.
"'Who is John Galt?'"1Zing!
"Hmm, a British politician, a prime minister?!"
"'Who is John Galt?' ... Atlas Shrugged" ...
"Ah, I didn't read that one."
"Of course you didn't, you're still religious."
In the old perspective, works of the law are human acts of righteousness performed in order to gain credit before God. In the new perspective, works of the law are elements of Jewish law that accentuate Jewish privilege and mark out Israel from other nations.The author goes on to say that strands of 1st century Judaism had legalistic tendencies but these were in the minority.
... actually more a new perspective on Judaism than on Paul.
... reacts against the traditional idea that Jews in Paul's day believed they could accumulate merit before God by their deeds. In place of seeing Paul's contemporaries as legalistic, the new perspective says the concern in early Judaism was to maintain the identity of the Jewish nation
But we must not read Paul merely with our favorite debate from church history in mind.Fill-in-the-blank.
There can be no place in the church for cheap caricatures of ...
But we must not criticize the law itself, as if it were a body of petty rules and regulations. To do so would be to criticize God himself. His law is "holy, righteous, and good" (Rom. 7:12).Say anything flattering about God's Law among Christians and they brand you a legalist. Studying the Talmud has likely given me a subtle appreciation.
A Howell woman who was to serve as the matron of honor at her best friend's wedding last weekend was struck by lightning and killed during the rehearsal dinner on the eve of the ceremony.The picture above was taken that night, around 6:45, as we were at the Colts Neck Fair when the storm rolled in.
Cindy Osler, 45, had gone outside with the best man just after 8 p.m. Friday to check their car windows because the weather became cloudy. She was soon hit by a swift stroke of lightning from the threatening sky.
"Everybody was so happy, and then it became a nightmare," Dave Tarnowski, the best man, said in published reports.
Millstone Township wants to subdivide its property on Burnt Tavern Road for the creation of more affordable housing.Sure, it's better than paying Asbury Park to cover us but there's almost a "segregation" dimension to it, placing the housing in "that part of town".
Coppola praised the township's COAH subcommittee, which came up with the idea to subdivide the Millstone House tract so that another group home can be put there.
Coppola called what Millstone has done to fulfill its COAH obligation "remarkable." He said the COAH subcommittee has been very proactive in getting affordable housing unit credits for Millstone that do not require major development and do not disrupt the township's quality of life.
New COAH rules are rumored to come out at the end of the year, Coppola said. He said the new rules could cause Millstone's 69-unit obligation to grow to 100 or more units.
Coppola said every town without public water and sewer has had a difficult time figuring out environmentally sound plans for creating more affordable housing units within their borders.
O God, come to my aid.Entre nous, I would have figured he was a tad younger ... *gasp*
O Lord, make haste to help me.
... there is a very major difference between an "eclectic text" created on the basis of a consensus of texttype-specific MSS -- whether Alexandrian, Western, Caesarean, or Byzantine is immaterial -- and an "eclectic text" created on the basis of individual readings that have been selected on various grounds from MSS representing widely differing textual traditions or origins.Hear, hear!
Not only do the latter variety of texts fail to reflect any given texttype, but they present as putatively "original" a resultant text which is so composite in nature that it is far less likely to represent any presumed "original" than would any texttype-specific consensus-based text.
Either (1) the original text -- whatever its form -- preceded and was substantially different from all existing texttypes currently known to us; or (2) the original text more likely reflected one of the currently existing texttypes, and the remaining textual streams reflect deviations therefrom; or (3) the possible rejection of all textual groupings and classification; or (4) no "original text" and no claim to be able to recover anything resembling such.James Snapp, Jr. clarifies the scope of the complaint:
Most current critical text advocates apparently assume the first option as their presuppositional model.
the objection that the eclectic text of NA-27 "never existed in the manuscript tradition" is not itself a strong objection at all, if it is applied to very large segments of text.I was thinking in small terms, not vast blocks of text. And I'm not sure this isn't a knee-jerk reaction on my part.
On the other hand, when we consider small series of textual variants, the objection seems to have some weight.
The thing that really intrigues me about the argument is whether it contains an element of 'providential preservation' thinking within it.All of Wilson's comment and Robinson's reply are worth reading.
The argument almost seems to take the form: The original text MUST have been preserved in one of the main branches of the manuscript tradition.
My question is, why? Why can't some of the original words have been ALTOGETHER lost and not be extant in any mss?
I think the argument about uber-eclecticism is much more powerful when it is applied AGAINST Alexandrian mss generally.
Georgian Court University, the Strand Theater and the Jewish Federation of Ocean County will present "Against Indifference," an afternoon with Nobel Prize-winner Elie Wiesel on Nov. 4 at 1:30 p.m. at the Strand Theater.... a gezunt ahf dein kop, M. Wiesel ...
According to a press release, Wiesel, a survivor of the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps operated by the Nazis during World War II, has worked on behalf of oppressed people for much of his adult life.
Very limited tickets went on sale Aug. 1. VIP tickets, which include center orchestra seating, admission to a pre-event guided art exhibit and a private post-event reception with Elie Wiesel at the Georgian Court Mansion, are $150 each.
Local youths dove deep into biblical teachings last week."In its sixth year" ... that's not correct. It can't be more than three years.
Campers at St. Joseph Catholic Church's annual vacation Bible school experienced "The Great Bible Reef" July 30 to Aug. 3.
Pastor Michael Lang said, "They are learning that it can be something that they love. They are using their gifts to bring God's message to life."
In its sixth year, the church's vacation Bible school grew to accommodate 127 children in grades K-6, with 71 adult and teenage volunteers.
Lang said that vacation Bible school is fantastic every year.
"It's great to see them so enthusiastic and learning something," he said.
Not a single bus company bid for the Millstone Township School District's out-of-district bus runs in the initial bidding process."Parents in a panic over how kids will get to school" - Examiner, 8/2/07:
Approximately 160 Millstone students who attend school at the Christian Brothers Academy in the Lincroft section of Middletown, Notre Dame High School in the Lawrenceville section of Lawrence, St. John Vianney Regional High School in Holmdel, and St. Rose of Lima High School in Freehold will be affected by the final decision on the busing issue.
Parents of out-of-district students asked Board of Education President Mary Ann Friedman how the school district would accommodate those out-of-district students who would be forced to attend district schools due to lack of transportation.
More than 300 residents signed a petition urging the Millstone Township Board of Education to provide transportation for its nonpublic school students.And the real kicker:
Boyle said that the school district currently has 36 buses of its own. Before the new middle school on Baird Road came on board this year, the district buses all originated from the former middle school site on Millstone Road.
"Now, they will have to go out and come back for a school three miles away," Boyle said.
Resident Ron Schlegel said he does not see any winners in the busing situation. He said that taxpayers would have to foot the bill for private school students to attend public school if the district has transportation problems.
The school district's business administrator will soon join its former superintendent in the Freehold Township School District.And don't overlook this letter -
Business Administrator Brian Boyle, who has worked in the Millstone Township School District since December 1997, has been hired for the same position in the Freehold Township School District.
Some say that if you can afford to send your child to a private school, you can afford busing. However, we are not prepared to have to pay for our child to get bused to school. What do our taxes pay for?déjà vu all over again.
By making the choice to send our children to private schools, we are actually saving the taxpayers of Millstone approximately $1.5 million. And, all that we are requesting is for you to provide four to five buses. It costs approximately $129,000 to bus our children, which is a lot less than $1.5 million. We are not talking about one or two children here, we are talking about 150-plus Millstone children.
"Bonds, Rodriguez, Glavin Fail to Reach Baseball Milestones" - Bloomberg.com, 8/1/07
In New York, Rodriguez didn't contribute to the Yankees tying a team record with eight home runs in a game.
Rodriguez went hitless in five at-bats to remain at 499 career home runs. He's set to become the 22nd major-league player with 500.
Hideki Matsui hit two homers as the Yankees matched the team mark set June 28, 1939, against the Philadelphia Athletics. Bobby Abreu, Robinson Cano, Melky Cabrera, Jorge Posada, Johnny Damon and Shelley Duncan each added one homer in the win.