Saturday, May 27, 2006

New Order of Mass in English

My English missals are becoming obsolete at an alarming rate. It seems like just yesterday that I found someone publishing the manuals with the latest Scripture translations. Now key prayers are changing?!

Is this really a "vote"? I mean, if the bishops say "no" to all the proposed changes - very unlikely anyway - will Rome make the US adopt the more significant changes ultimately? In the current climate, our bishops haven't much autonomy.

The easiest of the proposed changes is the response to "The Lord be with you" because I remember the Latin so well: et cum spiritu tuo.

We hardly ever say the Confiteor ... does the proposed change imply that we will recite it more regularly?

I can't bear for the Creed to change. It doesn't seem likely that it will change, thankfully. I don't want the Sanctus to change either. The suggested prayer before Communion is ridiculous! And the memorial acclamation is such a standard ... how could we do without it?

1 comment:

Moonshadow said...

Commonweal has a discussion with comments; I like those from Joseph Gannon, especially his third comment on the Creed.

I completely agree that we should not settle for "unhappy Latinisms".