Monday, June 12, 2006

A friend's father called on Saturday morning about getting the kids together. It's hard for me not to suspect that he's just trying to unload his kid on us. They both seem too wrapped up in themselves to be parents. But I refused to go for the obvious and suggested Dorbrook near Colts Neck.

He agreed but warned me that, despite the bright, shining sun, the wind made the air chilly. Well, we'd just dress for it.

We talked about her summer courses at a community college, undergraduate mathematics. She aspires to be a high school teacher. I think that she attends one of my alma maters, Monmouth U. in Long Branch, during the regular semesters. Her goal was to teach at our school so she'd save on her son's tuition.

Instead, he's going to public school in the fall. They are very upfront about their financial situation. Most people are around here; I can't understand that. It makes me uncomfortable to discuss something so private. And, the bottom line is the bottom line for them with the private school. They can't foot it anymore. They'd rather have a nanny and vacation in PR than educate their son. Everyone has their own priorities, apparently.

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