Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sorry, this blog is going to be about day camp for a while. And about adjusting to life without Kenny around for eight hours at a time.

The bus was 30 minutes earlier today than yesterday. What a surprise, especially since the driver told me last night that he would probably arrive at the same time again.

Kenny was still upstairs getting dressed when the bus counselor ... yes, he has appeared, AWOL yesterday, banged on our door.

"Door bell doesn't work?" he asked. No, it doesn't.

Kenny was fussing over his clothes, something he never does. He wanted to wear a favorite green shirt that he outgrew this year and I placed in storage in the basement a few weeks ago. I went down to dig it out and he called after me, "If you can't find it, Mom, then I won't wear it." His logic is air-tight. Ha, but I did find it, now what do you say, my little Descartes? He still didn't want to wear it.

And, like that, he was gone, walked down the driveway with the counselor.

Methinks the bus route changed overnight, explaining the bus's earlier arrival, its near-complete emptiness and its opposite direction down the street. But I would need my little Descartes to confirm my hypothesis.

I liked the previous route because he was the last to board in the morning and the first to drop off in the afternoon. I liked the idea of him not being on the bus very long because last year some kids put a wet lollypop in his hair when he feel asleep on the ride home. The bus counselor was deaf or hard-of-hearing and towards the end of the season, didn't really keep the kids in line.

But Kenny doesn't mind driving around town a little and I am concerned about him getting a good seat in the morning, so an empty bus facilitates that.

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