Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Tim's preschool teacher told us on the last day of class that she would not return next year. Even though we didn't think she was a candidate to teach Tim's pre-K class, we know he will miss seeing her in her old room on his way to his new room.

Who his teacher would be has been something of a mystery until recently.
The matter is complicated by the fact that his class is smaller than previous pre-K classes by 2/3, so only one pre-K teacher is needed instead of three. At least one of those teachers is not returning. The other teacher is moving to 4th grade. That left the third teacher. But we really didn't want her because she's too much like a junkyard dog, barking. The very epitome of a grade school teacher from Jersey.

All the while, Kenny's teacher made it clear that she would not be returning in the fall. The resignation / firing of the long-time principal is responsible for most of this faculty shake-up, including dwindling enrollment, so even teachers who may wish to return were deemed not needed. Again, in Kenny's old grade next year, the number of homerooms will drop from three to two, so one teacher was out no matter what.

Communication from the school was voluminous as the school year came to an end but has since dropped off to nothing. And in that final deluge of information came a notice of who Tim's teacher would be next year: Kenny's teacher from this year! What a switch and what a surprise. And while I don't think that she was adequate as Kenny's teacher -- she misspelled "satellite" in her correction of one of Kenny's handwritten papers and she allowed the boys to bully each other -- she will probably be perfect as Tim's teacher because the pre-K level material suits her better and his class is mostly girls. As the school's cheerleading coach, she favored the girls in Kenny's class this year, girls who were blond and fair like herself.

But Tim will give her hell, I know it. He gives everyone hell. The letter announced an opportunity to meet the teacher but that won't be necessary for us!

My concern about her from last year continues into this coming year: will she take a maternity leave before the end of the school year? She's very open about wanting to start a family and, while I want to support that, I wonder who the school would replace her with because their track record of temps and subs is far from satisfactory. They usually just combine two classes into one or have a floating aid supervise for the day.

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