Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kenny's second CCD lesson this afternoon was on the Blessed Trinity. He learned how to make the sign of the cross. Not that I haven't tried to show him many, many times before. Personally, it's a dear gesture. It's also hard for kids to get. Even in the fourth grade, I had students who struggled to form it properly.

And he drew a symbol of the Trinity. Not the complicated and beautiful Triquetra1, but the simple design of three complete, interlocking circles (see inset).

His first words to me after leaving the education trailer was "We don't have class on Halloween!" So important.

Actually, it is.

When I taught on Sunday mornings between church services, whenever Halloween fell on a Sunday, the kids would ask whether we had class. I was like, "Yeah, of course, it's just Halloween. It's not like the prom or anything where you need all day to get ready, right?" Obviously I was such an uninteresting teacher that they sought any excuse "to be excused".

As the children were leaving the trailer, I was rather stunned to see a middle school boy wearing a black T-shirt with what looked like a pentagram on it. I mean, really, did he have nothing else to wear to religious ed. class?!

1 this is absurd . I haven't read it all but I will. Am I for once glad that the NAB falls below the radar on this? You'd think they were speaking of the TNIV!

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