Sunday, December 17, 2006

I gave Kenny's CCD teacher her Christmas gift last week, early. From Lenox, one of my favorite things to give (pictured above).

And I added that Kenny may miss class next week, the final class before Christmas, because of our particular family situation.

She was quick to say, "Oh, that's ok. We're only having a party. He won't miss anything really."

Now, admittedly, I am probably a novice CCD teacher's worst nightmare of a parent: a former veteran, certified catechist with a MA in theology. But I wanted to ask, demand really, "How can you afford to blow off an entire class period with a party?! Does the director know you're doing this?!"

But I let it go. For now.

I guess my problem is that we parents are told again and again by Father and the DRE that attendance is imperative, that the diocese tracks program class time down to the minute and that there's no slack in the schedule.

Myself, I never spent class time on parties. I guess that sounds rough.

I would bake cookies for Halloween and St. Valentine's and hand them out as the children left the classroom. The difference may have been that I taught on Sunday morning and, early on, a parent reminded me that some children hadn't attended Mass yet. Eating party treats beforehand would spoil their eucharistic fast.

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