Friday, December 29, 2006

"What's the Apgar?" "9, 10."

"Who called it, the EMTs?" "Yeah."

"Oh, those guys."

Holding my newborn in my right arm, I offered my left to the yarmulke-wearing EMT early Christmas morning for an IV stick.

After delivering my baby at home, I told him that sticking my arm in a moving ambulance would not even phase me. He did a bang-up job. No really, he did alright. 'Though the spot was sore later. I was sore later ... in many spots.

Jeff has more commentary with pictures here at flickr.


Jay said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations to the whole family.

But a Christmas baby? My birthday is four days from Christmas, and it's enough space that it never was that hard to deal with. Will little Ella feel like she's missing something? Not when she realizes she has the most special birthday of the year.

Moonshadow said...

Not when she realizes she has the most special birthday of the year.

I'll have to see that she does realize this.

Thanks for your comment and your well wishes. I hope it's not halftime yet.