Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The reviews are pouring in ...
I’ve spent a total of two minutes looking at the ESVSB and already I see evidence of an anti-NPP attitude :-)
Say it ain't so!

I checked a bookstore but didn't see any on the shelves.

However, I noticed the third edition of an old favorite for the first time, already several years old! I used the second edition in grad school. The names associated with the third edition are all very compelling to me. Plus, an endorsement from Fr. Greeley, my favorite sociologist!
"I know of no other annotated Bible that is as rich as The New Oxford in both the precision of its textual notes and the clarity and helpfulness of its introductions. It will be an extraordinarily useful edition to have on one's library shelf."


Matt said...

what is npp?

Moonshadow said...

I am guessing it's the "New Perspective on Paul" which conservatives and especially Reformed detest:

Sanders argued that Rabbinic religion has been unfairly caricatured by Christian theology as a religion of legalistic works-righteousness, and in particular the "existence of a treasury of merits established by works of supererogation" constituted a "retrojection of the Protestant-Catholic debate into ancient history, with Judaism taking the role of Catholicism and Christianity the role of Lutheranism."

But I don't read BHT enough to know for sure.

According to Sr. Maria A. Pascuzzi, Catholics ought to have a problem with NPP too.

I appreciate your comment.