Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Surprise, Surprise!

Doesn't he look happy ... with his new bed that arrived in a week ... instead of 3 months!

I was surprised too and kinda hoping we wouldn't have to pay the balance until February! Oh, well. Postpone Jeff's office furniture a little longer ... 'though he's going to IKEA after work tonight for some bookshelves.

Now, I did something amazingly stupid: I overpaid the installer by the amount of the deposit. Getting the bank check, I didn't open the invoice at its single fold. When I noticed my mistake, I drove to the showroom as it's on the way to the grocery store. Over the weekend, the store owner called to confirm the overpayment and said a refund check was mailed out. Because of the holiday, I received the check today. Much faster refund service than with my property taxes.

Not something you want to do, overpay your taxes. The tax collector said I might see that money in early December.

Anyway, Chris is sleeping well in the bed. We have a bed rail but haven't put it up yet as he hasn't fallen out yet. If he falls out, then we'll put it up. And Jeff ordered a 5 X 8 blue striped rug which arrived today. The rug pad arrives Friday.

I don't like their boring rugs but the kid gets a splash of blue in his sister's room.

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