Thursday, January 17, 2008

He's looking ahead to the fall already and wants to delve into the prophets. He's got Payne's book; I just ordered it used from Amazon.

That'll be good, actually.

I don't mind what we're doing this semester - christology. He gave us an excerpt from J. N. D. Kelly's book on the early Christian creeds, a book I should probably have and don't. For good reason. I knew I wouldn't understand it. And I didn't understand the few pages he gave us. But he's giving us another two weeks to go over it, so I'll try again to understand it.

Otherwise, we went over the Apostles Creed, article by article. Jim thinks it would be a more meaningful confession of faith for the average Catholic at liturgy. Gee, I like to think that I understand the Nicene Creed, 'though it's my constant prayer to believe it.

I shared what I just learned, that Fr. Boadt returns to St. E's this summer to complete his four-part series on ... duh-duh-duuuh, the prophets. I caught two of the previous three parts. If I make it this summer, I'll consider it a good preparation for Jim's fall program ...

THEO 102/602 - A Survey of Post-Exilic Prophecy in the Old Testament with Rev. Lawrence Boadt, C.S.P.

Join scripture scholar Father Larry Boadt in the fourth in a series of Summer Institute classes on the prophets.

In this final historical and theological exploration, we will study the period from 539 to 174 BCE, which includes the final stages of prophetic literature in the 6th and 5th centuries; the reforms of Judaism in the Chroniclers tradition; the flourishing of wisdom schools; and the development of Apocalyptic literature up through the Book of Daniel.

We will end with a better understanding of the ideas of prophecy at work at the time of Jesus and the New Testament writings.

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