Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's an instance of hearing an expression one time too many and getting curious about it ...

Leno said his first girlfriend refused to go with him to California because her mother was afraid she'd "turn Catholic."

Ignoring the latent sectarianism in such a phrase for the present discussion, when said of folks who already believe in Christ, the colloquial "turn Catholic" instead of the metaphysical "become Catholic" implies a significant switch from previous convictions.1 This slight is often fully intended by those who haven't likewise "turned."

There seems to be, according to this representation from Schaff's multi-volume History of the Christian Church at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, a German proverb that bears an abstract meaning, not mutually exclusive of a literal meaning:
"Das ist um katholisch zu werden describes a condition of things that drives one to desperation or madness."

1 Since coming to Christ initially involves a metanoia or "turning," any subsequent "turning" may properly be deemed superfluous or downright detrimental.

2 NB: the proverb uses the less egregious werden, "become," but still has a pejorative connotation.

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