Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Things start rocking on summer camp after the first of the year.

Last month, the boys received 2008 calendars from their day camp crammed with photos of campers from last summer and marked with campers' birthdays throughout the year.1 I displayed the calendars on their dressers on the First and Kenny brought his downstairs this morning.

At the breakfast table, perhaps hoping to stave off the first day back to school after vacation, the boys sat and pouring over the calendar, identifying people in pictures and speculating which of the marked birthdays belong to their neighbors and friends.

Warm summer memories to get them through a cold winter morning.

1 The Lions Club in my town did a similar thing, issuing a calendar with townspeople's birthdays on it but since we hung the one from church, provided by Burdett & Sanford, it didn't matter.

And, no, the church's calendar didn't feature death anniversaries.

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