Friday, January 25, 2008

The invited girl's a Catholic.

She needed help finding Genesis in a borrowed pew Bible.1

I was embarrassed for my tribe.

And if she isn't there next time, if she doesn't return, won't that make an impression? Won't it suggest that the average Catholic isn't interested in knowing God's word?

Because, as I realized yesterday, the way to know God is from reading the Bible.2

Don't try to meet God in others. You can't learn His will at prayer. You can't trust Pastor to put you in touch with Him. The sure-fire way is "face-to-face," you and the Bible, God's word. Any other means is "sinking sand," fraught with misunderstandings and self-deception.

Kyrie eleison.

1 I still remember how Fr. Boadt chiding those without Bibles that first summer night of his Prophets class! How can anyone go to a Bible class without a Bible?!

2 Here's a classic, evangelical formulation.

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