Sunday, November 04, 2007

Catholic News Service cover story this week:

"Kerry finds his voice on religion, three years after the campaign", 11/2/07:
Kerry acknowledged that the Democratic Party is still less comfortable than the GOP with the idea of candidates talking about their religion.

Kerry said he was wrong not to talk more about his Catholic faith during the campaign.

Kerry said he was surprised at how the controversy over whether he was "Catholic enough" became important during the race.

He himself went back and reread religious texts, particularly the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, in anticipation of faith-themed discussions.

Kerry talked about being raised Catholic, largely due to the efforts of his Protestant mother (his father was Catholic), about serving as an altar boy, and being, as an adolescent, "unbelievably engaged in my religion."

As a young Navy officer in Vietnam during the war, Kerry said his religious faith became more of a "necessary and immediate relationship" with God, joking that it was in the nature of "protect me and I'll be good."
My mind associates McGreevey and Kerry so closely ... I'm not sure which is more disparaged by that confused identification.

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