Thursday, November 22, 2007

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow ...

Baptized by fire, our new kitchen met the challenge of its first Thanksgiving. Gone at last are the paper plates and plastic utensils as Jeff lugged box after storage box from the cellar and into the dishwashers.

I used the remainder of the flour yesterday to make banana bread with the kids. So I had to use corn starch in the gravy. To my surprise, it turned out ok! Everything was good, really really good.

And michele made my day with this post on Thanksgiving bragging rights (or should I say 'rites') -

"Florida teacher chips away at Plymouth Rock Thanksgiving myth" - USA Today, 11/20/07:
"I became rather famous at the time for saying that by the time the Pilgrims came to Plymouth, St. Augustine was up for urban renewal."

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