Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The only seats open were in the packed cry room, last row.

The commotion of young families drowned out the sermon. Just as well: Father was on some tack about kids disappointing their parents. Like I care.

The gospel was Luke 21. In a pretty normal speaking voice, I informed Kenny that the scripture describes the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem by the Romans. I explained why the Temple cannot be rebuilt, reminding him of Daddy's photograph hanging in our living room of that shiny domed mosque. I said that just as those in Jerusalem during the destruction thought the world was coming to an end, the reading reminds us that the world will end when Christ returns. And we recall that final return as we prepare to remember his first coming, as we celebrate Christmas.

Kenny knew about Advent. He knew about Ordinary Time. He knew about the colors associated with each liturgical season. He knew about the church calendar and, starting with Advent, ran through the seasons 'til after Pentecost. I suppose it isn't hard but I was still somewhat impressed.

"Pilgrimage will change the way you read the Bible" - Fr. Peter J. Daly, Catholic News Service:
If you ever get the chance to make the same trip, go. It will change the way you read the Bible.

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