Friday, April 28, 2006

There's a kid here who blogs about his adventures in the Catholic Study Bible but ever since I commented, he's disabled comments altogether!

Just as well, because he's in high school. A personal fact I noticed well after I commented. And I have no business talking to high school students. It's just that he approaches his subject with such apparent maturity. But there's no excuse for my intrusion. Even though I think I could give him helpful suggestions, he isn't taking any advice at the moment.

There are just nuances that he's missing.

I just want to quote to him à Kempis who says in his The Imitation of Christ: Do not inquire, "Who said this?"’ but pay attention to what is said.” (Book I, chapter 5 On Reading the Holy Scriptures).

Before he disabled comments, I told him his biggest frustration will be with how Catholic scholars handle biblical prophecy in the Hebrew Scriptures. Basically, with few exceptions, they do not think that biblical writers were given visions of future events. Visions and dreams are composed after the event depicted, employed to bolster credibility and to conform to the genre of prophetic literature.

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