Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Why I can't listen to NPR

My brother listens to NPR. So does my husband. I tried listening once.

I was driving Jeff’s car for some reason and merely switched on the radio without selecting a station and picked up what it was set to, i.e., NPR.

A woman was interviewing an author who recently published a modern English version of "The Epic of Gilgamesh" without knowing Akkadian. She asked her guest about his methodology, his approach, his philosophy; he worked from numerous English translations. She asked him for a brief refresher on the story’s plot for those in the audience who hadn’t read it since high school.

I thought, “Yeah, right, since high school.” I think that we read Beowulf instead.

In fact, I don’t recall encountering Gilgamesh until four summers ago while studying Greek under Danny Jackson who was very proud of his Epic of Gilgamesh rendition; his is in verse.

If I had known anything, I would have bought a copy and had Danny autograph it. But at the time I was just frustrated with him for not teaching Greek.


Moonshadow said...

This article was originally posted last September at my high school's alumni web site.

Darlene Schacht said...

Teresa, your name has been added to the Christian Women Online Blog Ring as well as the blogroll on our site. I tried to send you a verification email, but I think the address you put in is incorrect--it kept bouncing back to me. If at all possible, please email me your address so that if you are ever chosen as blog of the month, I can reach you.

I look forward to further getting to know you through reading your blog :)



Unknown said...

Too funny! In HS, I took Greek with said same Danny Jackson and I never minded not learning Greek at the time--though later, taking Greek classes at UC Berkeley I had some regrets!--but I always appreciated the fact that I met SO MANY people who loved his translation of Gilgamesh that it was like knowing a celebrity. I do have to say, in HS, he was the only teacher who ever insisted that we could turn into "scholars" one day and I guess--two years into a PhD--I must have taken that to heart.

Moonshadow said...

he was the only teacher who ever insisted that we could turn into "scholars" one day

I can see that.

My post was kinda about dumbing down, on the one hand: not only aren't these classic works introduced as in the past but "translators" can no longer, um, translate!

Danny Jackson, high school teacher? Where and when, roughly?

I know Danny taught at Iona College for some time, but now I've completely lost touch/track of him.

I want to continue with (biblical) Greek at some point, hopefully at nearby Princeton. It's a terribly difficult language but I need to at least burn out this desire I have.

Thank you for your comment. Good luck on your PhD work.