Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Blogger identified my blog as a "spam blog" which means that each post I create (and modify) requires "word verification".

How inconvenient, not to mention insulting, to have one's blog associated with a spam blog. I was in a comfortable rhythm of create, edit, post items and the extra step of word verification throws me off.

Spam blogs, according to Blogger Help, are characterized by irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site. Hmmm, could that single site be Wiki or Blogger's own photo host?

When this word verification cropped up a few days ago, I thought that my husband had enabled something. He's been tinkering with my blog, trying to figure out how to migrate it to typepad because he got me an account there for Christmas.

So, I sent word to Blogger that I am a real person, not a robot or a clone or a droid. Maybe they'll unlock my blog before I get migrated or maybe they won't. But, hopefully, in the end, it won't matter for much longer.

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