Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In honor of my one-year blogging anniversary, here's a meme that I came across at R. C. Mommy, a great Jersey mom, by way of Mark Mossa, SJ, another great blogger who ... may be on modified sabbatical ....

Anyway, this was fun but took lots of time. Even though I had ready answers.

Consider yourself tagged and try one, feeling free to add/omit/modify as necessary:

[A is for apparitions - your favorite]: Medjugorje, Marlboro, NJ, and Cairo, Egypt.

[B is for Bible - the one you read most often]: New American Bible and English Standard Version

[C is for Charism - the one you would most like to have]: gift of healing

[D is for Doctor of the Church - your favorite]: Teresa of Ávila, without a doubt.

[E is for Essential Prayer - What's yours?]: The "Jesus Prayer": "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!"1; the popular version of Veni Sancte Spiritus, in English.

[F is for Favorite Hymn]: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus, Where Charity and Love Prevail, Amazing Grace

[G is for Gospel - your favorite author?]: Matthew

[H is for Holy Communion - How would you describe it, using one word?]: "T-R-A-N-S-U-B ..." just teasing my Protestant readers ... "Heaven-on-Earth" ...

[I is for Inspiration - When do you feel most inspired by God?]: Studying Scripture and reading Church documents.

[J is for Jesus - When did you first meet Him?]: Reading Mere Christianity.

[K is for Kindness - Which saint or person has most inspired you by their kindness?]: Dr. Jim Bridges

[L is for liturgical year - your favorite time in the liturgical cycle?]: Eastertide

[M is for Mary, the Mother of God - Your favorite term of endearment for her]: Mary, Help of Christians2; Mary, Queen of Ireland

[N is for New Testament - Your favorite passage]: Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides."

[O is for Old Testament - Your favorite Book here]: Daniel

[P is for Psalms - your favorite]: Psalm 11

[Q is for quote - saint quote]: "No wonder you have so few friends." attrib. Teresa of Ávila, addressed to Christ.

[R is for rosary - your favorite mysteries]: the Sorrowful mysteries

[S is for Saint - the one you turn to in time of need - not including the Blessed Virgin Mary]: blank

[T is for Tradition - your favorite Catholic tradition]: Exposition

[U is for university - Which Catholic University have you attended or are currently attending?]: Georgian Court College (now University), graduate - theology; College of St. Elizabeth, audit summer graduate - theology

[V is for Virtue - the one you wish you had]: Prudence3

[W is for Way of the Cross - Which station can you most relate to?]: Third Station, First Fall

[X is for Xaverian Brothers - Do you know who they are?]: No, but I know about St. Francis Xavier.

[Y is for your favorite Catholic musician]: Bruce Springsteen4

[Z is for Zeal for the faith]: Zooey Glass5

1,5 Two excerpts from Salinger's Franny & Zooey:2 "Mary Help of Christians to close", East-Village.com, 1/21/07.

3 C. S. Lewis on the "Cardinal Virtues" . On the theological virtues: Charity, Hope, Faith [1], Faith [2].

4 America article, references the earlier one by Greeley.

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