Friday, July 14, 2006

The assistant principal at my son's school just called to wish me a good weekend, oh, and to tell me the name of my son's first grade teacher this fall.

Incidentally, she informed me that there will be only one first-grade homeroom in the fall, with eleven students.

This news merely confirmed our long-held suspicion. However, at the curriculum overview night in early June, the school administration promised two first-grade homerooms, "even if those classes have only four students apiece!" So much for their word being their bond.

Do I need to get everything in writing? Would it make any difference? Obviously they have no problem showing parents and their children the door at the first hint of dispute; two-thirds of the students are not returning!

My concern for Kenny's class is that enrollment will continue into September, October and November such that, by December, his class size may balloon to fifteen or sixteen students. Too big for one class and too small for two.

Besides, how much flexibility do they have with faculty? In my experience, they have difficulty lining up substitute teachers for the odd day here and there.

How much is this nightmare costing me? $11,5.


Angela said...

Yikes, Teresa. Why don't you bring him home and teach him yourself? It's not free, but it's a lot cheaper than $11,500x3!!!!
You'd be great.
Think about it....

Moonshadow said...

If homeschooling would make me smart like you, then alright! But you were probably already smart.

And, that's $11,500 X FOUR!
In a few years, anyway ...

His school will probably close in a year or two, so that will make my decision easier.

My church won't even allow me to homeschool his religious education ... read my rant ... during sacrament years.

Lifelong Catholic, MA in Theology, 10 years a catechist, and I can't homeschool my first grader!