Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This week's Catholic Carnival is up.

Archives are here.

Send email to jay at livingcatholicism to get on the carnival mailing list.

1 comment:

Moonshadow said...

Parts of this Newman lecture are good.

Audi alteram partem, hear both sides, is generally an Englishman's maxim; but there is one subject on which he has intractable prejudices, and resolutely repudiates any view but that which is familiar to him from his childhood.

Rome is his Nazareth; "Can any good come out of Nazareth?" settles the question with him; happy, rather, if he could be brought to imitate the earnest inquirer in the Gospel, who, after urging this objection, went on nevertheless to obey the invitation which it elicited, "Come and see!"