Monday, August 21, 2006

During a time of open sharing in a study, the sweeping generalization that Catholics are not Christians was made. Such discussions are confidential, so this post isn't about the one who made the comment or the comment itself at all, as common as it is. It's about my reaction, or rather, my lack of reaction.

I didn't have one. I didn't flinch. I didn't bat an eyelash. If anyone looked in my direction for even a hint of discomfort, they were disappointed. If any were even aware of my affiliation, and many weren't. I am not uptight about it and don't want anyone else to be either.

And I have wondered occasionally since that time, many years ago now, about my lack of reaction. Did I do the right thing in keeping quiet? Should I have tried to tell her what just about any Catholic and most non-Catholics would, that she's mistaken? Should she expect to be able to express herself in a study in her own church without having someone jump all over her? I suppose that last consideration made the most sense. Everybody needs a place to be themselves and churches have enough eyes looking out and about already.

On my way to my car afterwards, in the parking lot, the study leader chased after me to apologize for the other's comments. She admitted to being embarrassed both for the other and also for her need to apologize. In doing so, she was being obedient to an impulse she didn't understand as was obvious to both of us. But her apology was somewhat motivated by a crisis situation in her personal life: some close friends were seriously contemplating joining the Catholic Church. They were scared about it and she and her family, as close friends, were also scared for them. All I could say was, "It's a scary thing to come to see that something you have always thought false is, in fact, true." Not to mention leaving things behind. It's nothing that I would wish on anybody.

It isn't fair to say that I wasn't bothered deeply by the original comment. Obviously, I still remember the incident after all this time. I am a little thankful to God that I didn't lose it or make some cutting retort. Our relationship, such as it is, hasn't been impacted. I mean, I don't feel any hostility - she's a sweet, self-absorbed lady just like the rest of us. I think I'm showing her a good witness and she probably thinks she's showing me a good witness. You know those games. Maybe I'm the only one playing.

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